If you are looking for addiction treatment, contact Acceptance Recovery Center. We support individuals in making life-transforming changes that last. Through intensive evidence-based addiction recovery support services, Acceptance Recovery Center is dedicated to equipping program residents with the necessary tools for a life free from drug and alcohol addiction. The center provides long-term care in a residential setting and uses group settings to encourage changes in behaviors. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to helping you or your loved ones grow and succeed. All five of our programs (The Women’s Program, the Men’s Program, the Alumni Care Program, and the Indigent Fund Program) use a progressive model and help individuals have a lasting recovery.
Acceptance Recovery Center is a 501(c)3 organization located in Athens, GA, that relies on socially-responsible partners, engaged individual donors, dedicated volunteers, and interested residents. For more information, please contact info@arc-ga.org.

Acceptance Recovery Center Mailing Address:
Acceptance Recovery Center, Inc.
PO Box 6693
Athens, GA 30604
Tax ID: 47-5483219
If you would like more information about ARC or if you would like to give us feedback about our program, please fill out the contact form below and a member of our leadership team will respond.