Jamie Talluto is a distinguished alumna of Hesser College, where she earned her degree in Business Science and Psychology. Her educational journey didn’t stop there; driven by a profound passion for healing and aiding others, Jamie pursued further studies in massage therapy. Today, she is the esteemed owner of a thrice-awarded medical massage business located in Athens, Georgia, a testament to her dedication and excellence in the field.

In addition to managing her successful business, Jamie contributes significantly to the educational sector. She teaches at a local massage school, where she leverages her extensive knowledge and experience to nurture the next generation of massage therapists. Demonstrating her commitment to advancing the profession, Jamie co-created the curriculum for a Medical Massage degree program in the state of Georgia, a pioneering initiative aimed at elevating the standards and recognition of medical massage therapy.

Beyond her professional achievements, Jamie is a fervent advocate for recovery. She utilizes her platforms on YouTube and social media, which collectively reach over 10 million people monthly, to promote and support multiple pathways to recovery. Her advocacy work is deeply personal and impactful, making her a respected voice in the recovery community.

Jamie’s dedication to service extends to her local community in Athens, where she has played various roles in support of recovery efforts. Her commitment to making a difference in the lives of others is unwavering, driven by a genuine desire to help and heal.

On a personal note, Jamie is a proud mother to two amazing children, balancing her professional aspirations with the joys and responsibilities of parenthood. Her journey is one of passion, perseverance, and purpose, inspiring many in her community and beyond.